Hello There!

What if I tell you…

that there’s actually a manual based on a system for self-discovery and self-actualization that allows you to explore and experiment on your own inner-landscape, to identify patterns, strengths, weaknesses, & most importantly, it is said to offer a path of greater fulfillment, as you move towards living a life in alignment to your true authentic nature.

Human Design provides you a roadmap of your aura = your unique energetic blueprint and genetic code. It’s the theory behind the mechanics of your aura.

It is a practical tool for helping you learn more about how you are energetically designed, and how you can use it in a way that is most productive and efficient for you, connecting to the body’s intelligence, w/c unlike the mind, remains uninfluenced by external factors, such as peer pressure or cultural conditioning.

Hear me out!

While Astrology serves as a map that will give you a glimpse of your soul’s journey, I personally see Human Design as the key and user manual to the vehicle (body) that will show you possible ways to operate with less resistance and better maintenance which makes up for a smoother journey (life).

Do you feel like…

  • You can’t keep up with the world and feel so drained all the time?

  • You are lost and don’t even recognize who you are anymore?

  • You don’t know if you are doing the right thing, maybe you’re indecisive? or make a decision to soon and most of the time regret it afterwards?

  • You always wonder why you’re so different and constantly feel like an outcast

  • Do you feel either frustrated, angry, bitter, or disappointment about where you are in life?

  • You’re yearn to get to know the real you, to work on your “life conditioning”, learn about your gifts and finally be proud of yourself?

Would you like to…

  • Learn about your UNIQUE talents and potential and be able to cultivate more awareness and acceptance for self and others?

  • Learn to surrender to the flow of life and move away from resistance to find satisfaction, peace, success, or surprise back into your life?

  • Learn how to connect with your intuition and make aligned & better decisions?

  • Learn who you are and who you are NOT, and live your most authentic life?

  • Learn how you work energetically and how to best use this energy?

  • Learn about your life lessons and your special role in this life?

Are you ready to recognize your innate gifts that is totally unique to you and seize the opportunity to reawaken your inner voice to live your most authentic self?

Services Offered


Human Design



Astrology • Human Design • Tarot • Lenormand •

  • The Big 3

    Duration: 30 mins

    Together, these three zodiac signs form what I call your “Astrological Handshake”. The combination of these 3 signs makes up the foundation of your personality and life story.

    It’s perfect for first timers and is also a fun gift to friends and family.

  • Natal Chart

    Duration: 90 mins

    Your "astrological DNA." By using your birth date, birth place, and exact birth time to render what is essentially a snapshot of what the sky looked like when you entered the world, and how it all affects different aspects of our lives, foreseeing your personality and potentials, thus, helping you navigate your life better.

  • Karmic Inheritance & Soul Purpose

    Duration: 60 mins

    By looking at the Nodal Axis on your Natal Chart, we can bring awareness on how you can develop to your full potential with less stagnation and with clearer direction. Utilizing your innate gifts towards knowing your purpose in which leads to a happier and more meaningful life.

  • Human Design Reading

    Duration: 90 mins

    Human Design is a system for self-discovery and self-actualization, more specifically, a roadmap for living a life that is in alignment to your true authentic self. It’s a practical tool for helping you learn more about how you are energetically designed, and how you can use it in a way that is most productive and efficient for you.

  • Petit Lenormand

    Duration: 30 mins

    For quick guidance and familiarity there is the Lenormand reading. With this reading, we can see tangible issues within situations that can help us predict more objectively, unlike Tarot, Lenormand shows external circumstances rather than internal experiences or psychological ones.

  • Tarot Consultation

    Duration: 30 mins

    When you need help in accessing the subconscious and intuition, a Tarot consultation can lead you to a better reflection and empowered decision-making. 

Inner wisdom can be tapped using the 78 Tarot cards, helping up go through every spiritual lesson.

Kind Words

Understanding who we are gives us access to our innate gifts and truest potential, thus providing an insight to help us remember our soul’s purpose.
— Michelle, Stellar Starseed

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

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